🗑️🔥From the dumpster fire
Dark mode
Light mode
Dumpster Diving
Chosen suffering
The great malaise
The wonders in between pages
There is no love of life without despair of life
A few things I’ve learned about writing
Carry me along, oh roads…
Get lost in poetic reveries
How to be perfect and awesome
Violent disassembly
The Landfill
A few things I’ve learned about writing
A miracle in search of meaning
Amusing ourselves to death
Between hope and despair
Between the shits and giggles
Carry me along, oh roads…
Chosen suffering
Cut my life into pieces; this is my last resort
Exploiting yourself to death
Get lost in poetic reveries
Hollowed husks
Horny for status
Horny for stuff
How to be a little less stupid every day
How to be perfect and awesome
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s all going to shit
Outsourcing thought: Learning in the shadow of machines
Reading War and Peace
Selling our soul, one tiny bit at a time
Slouching towards Armageddon
Sorry, but you are in a cult
The drugification of everything
The wonders in between pages
There is no love of life without despair of life
This is the way
Trip over yourself and fall on your face!
Violent Disassembly
Violent kindness
We are dying every day
What a joke!
What’s your enough?
Your future self is calling you. Can you hear?
Tag: books
Tag: books
1 item with this tag.
Jan 18, 2025
Reading War and Peace